Have you ever wondered how we got to where we are with our current unemployment situation? Currently, our unemployment is at 9.1% as of the end of August 2011. Is this statistic totally correct though? I have asked myself that question, and with some research have found that it is not telling the entire true story.
You have heard of the "ninety-niners" I hope! If you have not; they are the unemployed folks that have hit their 99th week of unemployment benefits. This means that they have maxed out their benefits and still do not have a job lined up. There is a lady that I read about that lost her job three years ago; she sent out numerous resumes and had no bites. Her story is just one of thousands that this is happening to around the United States.
Going back to our 9.1% unemployment statistic; with the "ninety-niners" maxing their benefits they are being excluded. I have studied and read on some web sites and literature that the true unemployment is 22.7%. This information should blow your mind to know that the Bureau of Labor is fudging these numbers to make it seem like the unemployment is not so bad. Hopefully someone is out there understanding the severity of the situation and will do something about it. The American people need something to believe in again, and we need our government to back us up.
We the people, do not need our government to be against us; but to be with us!
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